
Order name: Agriculture

Number of recruits: 55

Work place: Melbourne, Australia

Information line

Occupation: Working on the vineyards: Caring, harvesting, sorting and packing grapes

Basic salary: 22 ~ 24 AUD/hour

Working time: Working 8 hours/day, from Monday to Saturday

Working place: Melbourne, Australia

Conditions for joining orders

Number of recruitment: 10 people

Age: Male/Female from 20 to 30 years old

Foreign language: required IELTS ≥ 4.5 (supported for accelerated training to qualify for candidates who do not have English)

Degree: High school graduate or higher

Health: good, no infectious diseases

Welfare regimes for employees

In addition to salary, employees when participating in the order of Grape Farm in Australia also enjoy the following welfare regimes:

Visa up to 3 years

Enjoy the insurance and retirement regimes prescribed by the Australian government

There is an opportunity to convert to a long-term visa after it expires based on aspirations and capacity.


Photo 4×6 (8 photos) with white background, photo taken no older than 6 months

Passport (original)

Birth certificate (02 notarized copies within 6 months)

ID card or citizen's identity card (02 notarized copies within 6 months)

Household registration book (02 notarized copies within 6 months)

Transcript and High School Diploma (01 original and 02 notarized copies)

Certificate of criminal record

Candidates' profile details will be guided specifically for each item when applying for a profile.

The process of participating in the order of Farm grapes in Australia

With Australian labor export orders, workers will need to go through a process of steps:

Step 1: Fill in the form and submit all required documents

Step 2: Review the candidate's profile and check the basic conditions: English test...

Step 3: Apply for a visa (candidates will be notified to confirm the application has been received) complete the required procedures (Health examination, biometrics)

Step 4: Notification of visa results

When is the visa valid?

Visa number

Conditions attached to the visa


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